Become a Wealth Exchange World Market Merchant > Fresh new condos
added. Over 250 to be sold . Offer expires soon only 60 partners
needed. Email:
Condos are a popular form of housing in major cities all over world.
When buying a condo, don’t just buy any condo, make sure that you take
time and buy the best. People are looking for comfort and luxury in
their mode of living. A luxury condo should be able to offer the
comforts and a luxurious living environment. However, luxury should be
well defined so that you can know what to expect when looking for a
luxury condo.
Condos, lofts & luxury condominiums for sale in Seattle
Member Nationality Property Market Payout (USD)
John Mattias Aberdeen Scotland Vancouver Condos $155,000.00
Harry Rose Manchester UK New York Manhattan $356,000.00
Edward Harley Vancouver Canada Miami Beach homes $5,320.00
Fernando Cruz Cebu City Philippines Greater Toronto condos $79,000.00
Josh Bernsen Seattle Washington Seattle Condo Suites $175,000.00
Scott Matthews Portland Oregon New York Manhattan $230,000.00
Totally paid $1,000,320.00 (5 out of 30 partners paid the highest. Hiked condos and homes )
Jeffery Morgan
Marketing Director
Gn’B World Vancouver
1263 Pacific Boulevard, Yaletown
Vancouver, BC V6B 5Z5
Bridge-Water Funding Group
Dream Funded
Wealthy Exchange World Markets
World Property Investors
Startup Buddies
Seattle Startups
Toronto & Montreal Chambers of commerce
Manhattan Blue Associates
Vancouver Elite Founder Fund
The Bank of Montreal
Seattle Condo Merchants